Aerobic and anaerobic describe the two methods your body uses to provide energy during your workouts. I think that many of us prefer one kind of exercise over the other. I know that I’d rather jog or bike (aerobic exercise) than lift a heavy barbell (anaerobic exercise), while you may rather lift weights than head out on foot or wheels.
In aerobic exercise, also called cardio exercise, your body stays in a moderate to somewhat difficult exertion zone for a sustained period of time. In this zone your body fuels activity by utilizing inhaled oxygen to metabolize stored fuel. Examples include cycling, brisk walking, jogging, swimming laps, or Zumba.
Anaerobic exercise involves the highest intensity you can push yourself to. It requires immediate energy and your fueling relies on your body’s limited stores of muscle glucose, not oxygen for power. Examples include strength workouts like heavy deadlifts, sprints, plyometrics, or HIIT (high intensity interval training).
Benefits of aerobic & anaerobic exercise
Aerobic exercise can help you:
- Increase your endurance,
- Reduce your risk of a heart attack
- Regulate blood sugar levels
- Activate immune system, making you less likely go get colds or the flu
Anaerobic exercise can help you:
- Maintain muscle mass as you age
- Burn fat
- Strengthen bones
Which First?
Thus, there are benefits to each. And as we age, us seniors are advised to do both regularly. Let’s say you decide to do one after the other. Which should you do first? From the limited amount of reading I’ve done, it seems to come down to performing the exercise that is more important to your goals first when you’re not fatigued.
For example, do the cardio (aerobic) exercise first if you want to train for an endurance event like a half-marathon or a triathlon. But if you want to build your muscle mass and power, do the strength (anaerobic) training first. Just keep the length of your combination session reasonable so you have enough energy for each part of your workout.
If you have the time, a better option is to do these two forms on different days or different times of the day—lift weights in the morning, jog in the afternoon. This way, maximum effort and benefits are gained.