Last week I wrote that us older adults need more exercise than ever to help build up our immune system. (Exercising in the Time of Coronavirus)
I said that many health professionals prescribe this: Go outside! Get some fresh air, catch a few rays. Go for a walk, a jog, a run, a bike ride. To get the most benefit, do this for at least 30 minutes a day, 6 or 7 days a week.
This week I want look at exercise routines that you can perform at home either indoors or in your own back yard during coronavirus time.
I’ve searched for at-home exercise videos specifically for seniors—either on DVDs or online. And I found that there isn’t all that much out there! But here are what I consider the best of the limited number of older adult workout DVDs in the market:
First is Balance & Strength with Jane Adams, which includes “traditional exercises, modified tai chi and yoga for seniors.” Adams personally demonstrates 200 minutes of strength, core and stepping exercises both with and without a chair.
Next is Preparation for Movement and The Sacred 25 and Beyond. These are DVDs demonstrating the warm-ups and exercises in the popular Younger Next Year and Thinner This Year books. Bill Fabrocini, a physical therapist and trainer, along with an assistant modeling, does a great job of guiding us through—and suggesting progressions & regressions of—the stretches and strength training choices. It’s a total of 2 hours of warm-ups and exercises.
And third is Absolute Beginners, Cardio & Strength Training Workout for Seniors with Angie Miller, which is also well produced. In addition to Miller, it has a “cast” of three seniors including one doing modifications of the exercises with a chair, but it’s actually only one 60-minute-long workout.
As far as online senior exercise videos, most are not very well produced. Last week I did recommend FitnessBlenders on YouTube and the videos that SilverSneakers produces.

Jill Brown
Yet perhaps the best online videos are by Jill Brown, the woman who is designing and will lead my upcoming Fit! 70-Day New You program for older adults who wish to get fit and stay fit.
Jill is a renowned Los Angeles personal trainer who has coached seniors for more than 25 years. She is an ACE Certified Group Fitness Instructor and an ACE Certified Health Coach.
She created 10 episodes of workout videos for Gym Ra called True Beginner, which are completely appropriate for older adults. Here’s the YouTube link for you to try them out: True Beginner
Let me know how you like Jill’s workout videos. Also contact me if you know of other great senior workout DVDs or online videos.
Happy Workouts!