EYE DROP RECALLS Many of us seniors use eye drops to treat conditions such as dryness or irritation. More than likely your eye drops are harmless and you can safely keep using them. Still, you may have seen the news stories about bacterial contamination in bottles of “artificial tears.” It’s a new strain of “superbug” and caused people to fall ill with eye, respiratory and urinary tract infections that didn’t respond to antibiotics. As of March 14, 68 cases have been identified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Three of the infected people died, eight lost their vision,...
NEW SOLUTIONS FOR MIGRAINES Several acquaintances of mine regularly experience migraines. You or someone dear to you may also get them—these terrible headaches are more common than I imagined. Nowadays there are not only medications for relief of a migraine but also new preventative drugs. Here are excerpts from the April 1, 2023 Harvard Medical School online article by Maureen Salamon, executive editor of Harvard Women’s Health Watch, Battling a “brain storm” Fresh solutions to migraines boast fewer side effects Official statistics indicate nearly 40 million Americans cope with migraines — throbbing headaches so disruptive that those stricken often retreat...
SITTING TOO MUCH? JUST TAKE SHORT WALK BREAKS I sit at my computer for way too many hours a day. I might get up once an hour to check on the cat, take a bathroom break or grab a snack—but these are only short 1 or 2-minute intervals. It’s the same in the evening where I’ll sit reading a book or sometimes watching Netflix. I try to get in some exercise every day—jogging, biking, or swimming—but a recent study says this still isn’t enough. If you, like me, also spend long periods sitting, a short 5-minute walk break every half-hour...
SHOULD YOU TRY A NEW DIABETES DRUG FOR QUICK-FIX WEIGHT LOSS? . You’ve probably seen recent newspaper articles or TV reports about new type-2 diabetes-treatment drugs that can dramatically help people lose up to 20% of their body weight. The best-known of these drugs has the technical name semaglutide and goes by the brand name Ozempic. More people who don’t have diabetes are turning to this drug for a quick weight loss fix. However, one needs to pay for this ease; semaglutide is expensive—more than $1,000 per month. (Please also see my June 10, 2022 post about the drug tirzepatide:...
IMPROVE YOUR VASCULAR HEALTH TO REDUCE YOUR RISK OF DEMENTIA Dementia—especially Alzheimer’s disease—is a topic I often post about. I try to share the latest news on this because it’s one of the most threatening things about aging; at least one third of us will develop dementia by age 85. I hadn’t realized how much vascular disease can cause or worsen dementia until I read this Johns Hopkins Medicine online article titled, Dementia Prevention: Reduce Your Risk, Starting Now. Here are excerpts: Dementia is defined by loss of memory, problems with thinking and reasoning, and an inability to carry on...
HOW COVID-19 CAN DAMAGE YOUR BRAIN I had a “mild” case of COVID-19 back in December. I credit Paxlovid for my quick recovery; after 10 doses over 5 days of this “wonder drug,” I felt 100% better. Still, as anyone who has had COVID, I worry about Long COVID—especially how it affects the brain. My March 2023 online-edition of the Harvard Health Letter helped to answer my questions. Here are excerpts of an article by Anthony L. Komaroff, MD, Editor in Chief, Does COVID-19 damage the brain? When the pandemic started in early 2020, doctors didn’t know much yet...
LION’S MANE MUSHROOMS JoAnne regularly listens to or watches NPRs Science Friday. Last Friday’s (February 17) episode featured Lion’s Mane Mushrooms. Lion’s mane mushrooms are medicinally potent. They contain bioactive substances that are beneficial to our brains, heart and gut. This healthy fungus looks somewhat like cauliflower or a large cotton puff. It’s so distinctive that you can safely gather it; it’s especially common in Northern California. Here’s a YouTube I found showing what it looks like in the wild: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qm0loea8cro Although further research on humans is needed, studies have found that lion’s mane may prove effective against dementia, including...
HEALTH BENEFITS OF CITRUS FRUITS Citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, limes and grapefruit are not only colorful, fragrant, refreshing and juicy but also pack powerful health benefits. They are rich in nutrients including vitamin C, flavonoids and fiber. They can reduce inflammation, improve gastrointestinal function, and help prevent diabetes, cancer and neurological disease. Most citrus fruits are ready to pick in winter, but the exact month depends on the type of citrus. In Mediterranean climates such as California, oranges are picked from December through May. Mandarin harvest is from January to April. Limes and lemons ripen all year. “Valencia”...
EXERCISE—WHAT’S THE MINIMUM AMOUNT? We’ve heard hundreds of times that regular physical activity will improve our health. However, many seniors don’t care to exercise and ask what’s the minimum amount they can get by with. I came across a February 1, 2023 online article by Anthony L. Komaroff, MD, Editor in Chief, Harvard Health Letter that gives some answers, What’s the minimum amount of exercise I need each week? Here are excerpts: You’re not alone if you dislike exercise: only 20% of middle-aged and older adults spend even 15 minutes per week in vigorous physical activity. By “vigorous physical activity,”...
BEST DIETS RANKINGS FOR 2023 BY U.S. NEWS Once again, it’s time for me to post the best diet rankings for the year from U.S. News. (This is the sixth year I’ve shared their rankings.) Here are excerpts from their article and lists from January 3, 2023 titled U.S. News Reveals the 2023 Best Diets. For the sixth consecutive year, the Mediterranean Diet takes the No. 1 spot for the Best Diet Overall, having emphasis on eating a lot of fruits, vegetables, olive oil and fish and a focus on diet quality rather than a single nutrient or food group. The...