EXERCISE DOES SO MUCH FOR US—BUT IT WON’T HELP US LOSE WEIGHT Many studies have shown that regular physical activity has a wide-range of positive health effects, such as a lower risk of cancer and stroke, better cardiovascular health, stronger muscles, and slowing of bone density loss associated with age. Exercise has also been linked to better brain health and emotional well being. Plus regular physical activity should help you live longer. However, exercise by itself won’t help you lose weight. I normally engage in physical activities—running, biking or swimming and a limited amount of strength work—7 or more hours...
BABY ASPIRIN—TAKE IT OR TOSS IT? In my post Lessons of Getting Older last month I wrote of taking a fall during the Ventura half marathon and “bleeding buckets” for the last 3 miles, I didn’t mention that as soon as I crossed the finish line I was whisked into the first aid tent. The first thing they asked was if I was taking a blood thinner. I answered, “Just baby aspirin.” “That explains all the bleeding,” was the reply I got from the nurse. I had been taking it for only a few months. My doctor knows I try...
THE BENEFITS OF WALKING There’s no physical activity more natural than walking. And I can’t think of any activity better for our overall health. Still, I usually save going out for a long walk for the times I can’t run or bike because of an injury. For instance, a few days ago I stubbed my little toe so hard that I broke it. Running would be a hindrance to it’s healing and getting into my bike shoe was painful. After I splinted it to the adjoining toe the next day, I was able to get into my walking shoes and...
THE HERPES – ALZHEIMER’S CONNECTION I wrote about Alzheimer’s disease in my post Exercise Might be the Best Medicine for Avoiding Alzheimer’s. I continually monitor what’s happening in Alzheimer’s studies and since then have discovered new research connecting herpes viruses—such as common cold sores—and dementia. The best news to us seniors is that these investigations are pointing to possible development of a vaccine to prevent or at least treat Alzheimer’s. Here are excerpts from the July 12, 2018 TheAtlantic.com article Even More Evidence for the Link Between Alzheimer’s and Herpes In 1907, the German psychiatrist Alois Alzheimer published a description...
SNACKS CAN BE HEALTHY—AND TASTY TOO I love to eat and hardly ever miss a meal. Yet I love snacks too—mid morning, late morning, mid afternoon, late afternoon. Some of what I snack on is healthy—a small bag of raw almonds, apple slices, grapes. But I’ve been filling in the other snack craving times with Snyder’s Pretzels—which are so easy to grab out of the bag and eat but ain’t so healthy. You probably don’t snack as often as I do. But when you do take a snack break what do you go for? Just today, I finally promised myself...
LESSONS OF GROWING OLDER Last month I participated in the Santa Cruz 70.3 Ironman Triathlon for the second time. I did it in October 2016, and came in third in my age group (although there were only 4 of us in the 70-74 years old group). I trained for several months before that event, but not especially hard: I ran 12-14 miles a week, biked 60-70 miles a week and swam 1 mile+ two or three times a week (because I’m a poor swimmer and was afraid I wouldn’t meet the time limit of 70 minutes for the 1.2 miles)....
SARCOPENIA IS SCARY! As more of our population becomes overweight or obese, a condition known as sarcopenia has become common and for older seniors actually commonplace. I’m talking about it this week so that you and I can recognize its causes and symptoms. And so we can work to make darn sure we don’t develop it or if we already have it to reverse it. Here are passages from two National Institutes of Health (NIH) articles titled Clinical Definition of Sarcopenia and Sarcopenic Obesity – How Do We Treat It? The clinical definition: Sarcopenia is a syndrome characterized by progressive...
ARE EGGS HEALTHY? YES! A couple of weeks ago I posted an article on cholesterol, Clearing Up Cholesterol Confusion. Now I want to talk about eggs. For quite a few years we were told to go easy on eggs because of their cholesterol content. However, now I’m seeing articles telling us their benefits outweigh the cholesterol. Good thing! Because I love eggs any old way—scrambled, fried, poached, hard or soft-boiled. Eggs are a terrific source of protein and are rich in many vitamins and nutrients your body needs. In my opinion, they are true superfoods. I’ll let this January 2017...
RECIPE FOR REDUCING STRESS: GET UP & MOVE Too much to do, too little time. Sound familiar? It seems like my life gets busier by the year. When I was much younger and looked to the far future, I thought it would be the opposite. I thought at 75, I’d probably be retired and spending time working in my vegetable garden every day, seeing my kids and grandkids regularly, going on cruises and exotic vacations. But things haven’t exactly happened that way! I’m still producing an art festival every year, putting together a new senior fitness business, and hoping enough...
CLEARING UP CHOLESTEROL CONFUSION Over the past few years more of my friends are being told to watch their cholesterol intake. Some are actually losing weight and exercising more, others are popping the statin Lipitor. I was told I needed to cut back on my “bad” cholesterol. I’ve been advised to eat less processed foods, less meat, more fruits and vegetables—in other words the standard advice for eating healthier. In any case, I’ve decided to find out a bit more about cholesterol and I’m sharing my findings with you in this post. Cholesterol is a soft, waxy fat that your...