SHOULD YOU TAKE A CPR TRAINING COURSE? I finally took a CPR training course in July. For years I’d been asking myself how I would respond to someone having a sudden cardiac arrest emergency. Probably helpless! I took definite action after I read that this someone could very well be a family member—spouse, parent, child, grandchild—or a good friend in my own home because something like 4 out of 5 cardiac arrests happen at home. I checked out the American Red Cross website ( and found they continually offer CPR training courses combined with AED and basic first aid nationwide....
ARTHRITIS EXERCISE PROGRAMS I subscribe to the Mayo Clinic Health Letter and every few months there’s another article relating to arthritis. No surprise, more than 45 million Americans are affected by it, myself included—in my knees and in my hands. These days, the Mayo Clinic and just about every other health letter or valid health website strongly recommends an arthritis exercise program. Osteoarthritis common inflammation locations Arthritis is inflammation of the joints, affecting one joint or multiple joints. There are more than 100 types of arthritis but the most common by far is osteoarthritis (OA) followed by a much smaller...
NEVER GROW OLD FITNESS PROGRAM I’ve mentioned in previous posts that I attended the 35th Annual Idea World Convention in Las Vegas for five days in July. My most fulfilling experience at the convention was an all-day workshop titled “Functional Aging Specialist Certification Course.” This interactive workshop gave me an introduction to the tools and skills necessary to implement functional training techniques, strategies and movements important to seniors. Cody Sipe, PhD Cody Sipe, PhD, gave the workshop. Cody is an award winning, 20-year veteran of the fitness industry, a professor of Physical Therapy at Harding University, exercise specialist in exercise...
Live Your Healthiest, Most Delicious Life P.K. Newby, PhD I attended the 35th Annual Idea World Convention in Las Vegas for five days in July. Among the lectures and workshops I sat in were two given by Dr. P.K. Newby: Nutrition Myth Busters, Science Fact or Fiction and Guiding Others to Create Their Healthiest Most Delicious Life. I’m saving much of the “Myth Busters …” lecture to a future post. In this article, I’ll mainly write about her “Guiding Others …” lecture and adding in some very interesting material from Dr. Newby’s website, P.K. Newby received her PhD in...
RUN FOR JOY—LONGER & INJURY FREE Senior Couple Jogging In Park If you’re a runner, you should enjoy this article. If you’re not presently a runner and determined not to be (perhaps from bad experiences in your youth or past injuries) you’ll probably skip reading it. Perhaps, you’re considering adding running to your physical training schedule? You should find tips here to help you run injury free. I took up running again back in 2000. I found it enjoyable and over the years slowly increased my distance from 3 miles up to 13 miles and then up to 26 miles....
Why We Eat More Than We Think I attended the 35th Annual Idea World Convention in Las Vegas for five days in July. The Convention brought fitness professionals—including personal trainers, coaches and health club managers—from across the country and even from abroad. I attended 18 lectures and workshops on fitness and nutrition. In this and coming articles I’ll share what I learned. Jim Painter, PhD, RD I’ll start with what I gathered in an entertaining 90-minute lecture on food psychology presented by Dr. Jim Painter, Adjunct Professor at the University of Texas School of Public Health. His current areas of...
ON THE ROAD TO FITNESS Back in 2000 I planned a trip to the Grand Canyon. There, my son Zack & I would take the famous mule ride half way down and back on the Bright Angel Trail. In researching the ride I found there was a weigh limit – 200 pounds. I don’t know if they thought the mule would collapse if it’s rider weighed more than that, or would just throw its top heavy passenger down the steep canyon wall. Anyway, I weighed 205 pounds—5 over the limit—so I went on a diet for the couple of weeks...
BODYPUMP STRENGTH TRAINING Even though I was either running, biking or swimming daily I knew, as a senior, that I also needed regular strength training for muscle power, coordination and balance. In the past I’d used machines at gyms to increase strength but found them rather boring. Then, a couple of months ago, I began attending BodyPump™ classes at the Ventura YMCA. The 60-minute classes are performed to music using free weights, barbells and aerobic steps. The focus is towards muscle endurance by moving comparatively light weights and high repetition movements. It’s fast moving, with some 800 total reps...
WELCOME TO GENERATION FIT! July 17, 2017 Hi! I’m Warren Cook and this is Generation Fit, the senior fitness blog. I’m writing this blog to help myself—and you—find the best ways to live well and to avoid most of the afflictions associated with aging. I’m just an average older guy, neither a natural athlete, nor a star at any sport. But I’ve seen the changes in my life that being on the road to fitness can make. You can read more about me in the sidebar to the right. I’m certain you’ve heard about all the studies that point to...