FLOURISH WITH FLAVONOIDS Whenever I hear of new ways to help prevent Alzheimer’s disease, I come to full attention. This week I read a short article in Fitness Journal citing new data that older adults who have high intakes of foods and drinks containing flavonoids—such as blueberries, apples, grapes, dark chocolate, green tea and red wine—are less likely to develop Alzheimer’s. Flavonoids are chemical antioxidants found naturally in many fruits and vegetables and other plant products like chocolate, tea and wine. I searched for a more thorough examination of these and found it in a Harvard Medical School October 2020...
LATEST ALZHEIMER’S PREVENTION ADVICE: EAT MORE FISH Once again I’m sending you a post on Alzheimer’s disease. I think it’s one of the scarier things about aging. In fact, at least one third of us will have it after age 85. Last December I recommended a hybrid of the Mediterranean & DASH diets, Reduce your Alzheimer’s Risk with the MIND Diet. And that still holds. This post is similar except for this recent finding: Fish is the one food you can eat that lowers your risk of both cognitive impairment and cognitive decline. Here’s the complete article by Andrew E....
AVOID ALZHEIMER’S WITH A DAILY DOSE OF OLIVE OIL? You’re getting news about coronavirus from all sides, so you don’t need anything more from me. Thus, this week I’ve decided to write about something more optimistic: The amazing benefits of olive oil including the possibility it can delay or reverse Alzheimer’s. You already know that that one of the benefits of following the Mediterranean diet is it’s generous use of olive oil. Extra-virgin olive oil is especially healthy. It’s pressed mechanically from ripe olives and processed without high heat or chemical solvents. This protects chemicals in the oil including the...
A LEAD TO A POSSIBLE ALZHEIMER’S CURE Just in: A new target for drugs to potentially slow or even possibly cure Alzheimer’s. I periodically post on Alzheimer’s disease because the risk is forever looming for us seniors; By age 85, half of us will have developed it! These posts include: Exercise Might be the Best Medicine for Avoiding Alzheimer’s, The Herpes-Alzheimer’s Connection & Reduce your Alzheimer’s Risk with the MIND Diet. Now, here are excerpts from the November 27, 2019 Harvard Health Blog article by Andrew E. Budson, MD: A clue to a cure for Alzheimer’s disease. I’m writing today...
REDUCE YOUR ALZHEIMER’S RISK WITH THE MIND DIET The holiday season would seem like a lousy time to talk about diets. Yet, you can start following the MIND Diet and still enjoy those fantastic Christmas-time feasts. You’ve probably heard of the DASH diet (the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) for reducing blood pressure and the Mediterranean diet for heart health. Well, the MIND diet is a hybrid of these two. (MIND is the acronym for Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay.) Its goal is to reduce Alzheimer’s disease, other types of dementia, and the decline in brain health that normally occurs...
THE HERPES – ALZHEIMER’S CONNECTION I wrote about Alzheimer’s disease in my post Exercise Might be the Best Medicine for Avoiding Alzheimer’s. I continually monitor what’s happening in Alzheimer’s studies and since then have discovered new research connecting herpes viruses—such as common cold sores—and dementia. The best news to us seniors is that these investigations are pointing to possible development of a vaccine to prevent or at least treat Alzheimer’s. Here are excerpts from the July 12, 2018 TheAtlantic.com article Even More Evidence for the Link Between Alzheimer’s and Herpes In 1907, the German psychiatrist Alois Alzheimer published a description...
EXERCISE MIGHT BE THE BEST MEDICINE FOR AVOIDING ALZHEIMER’S Even though we aren’t sure what causes Alzheimer’s disease, scientists do give us various suggestions to help ward it off. My dear mother died from Alzheimer’s 17 years ago and ever since—especially because of my increased genetic risk of developing it—I’ve paid close attention to new research on how to cut risk. Here’s some basic info on the disease from Alzheimer’s Association (www.alz.org) “Alzheimer’s is the most common cause of dementia, a general term for memory loss and other cognitive abilities serious enough to interfere with daily life. Alzheimer’s accounts for...