U.S. NEWS 2025 BEST DIET RANKINGS It’s that time of year again! I’m sharing the latest list of top diets according to U.S. News—a tradition I’ve kept up for eight years now. Below are highlights from their newly updated article, published online on March 19, 2025, by Johna Burdeos, RD, LD, titled U.S. News Reveals the 2025 Best Diets. Best Diets Overall 2025 If your goal is to manage your weight long-term and eat healthfully, try one of these science-backed diets that work. Each earns top marks from our panel of leading medical and nutritional experts specializing in diabetes, heart...
BEST DIETS RANKINGS FOR 2024 BY U.S. NEWS Once again, it’s time for me to post the best diet rankings for the year from U.S. News. (This is the seventh year I’ve shared their rankings.) Here are excerpts from their article and lists from January 3, 2024, titled U.S. News Reveals the 2024 Best Diets. For the seventh consecutive year, the Mediterranean Diet takes the No. 1 spot for the Best Diets Overall, with its focus on diet quality rather than a single nutrient or food group and daily consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, legumes, olive oil,...
BEST DIETS RANKINGS FOR 2023 BY U.S. NEWS Once again, it’s time for me to post the best diet rankings for the year from U.S. News. (This is the sixth year I’ve shared their rankings.) Here are excerpts from their article and lists from January 3, 2023 titled U.S. News Reveals the 2023 Best Diets. For the sixth consecutive year, the Mediterranean Diet takes the No. 1 spot for the Best Diet Overall, having emphasis on eating a lot of fruits, vegetables, olive oil and fish and a focus on diet quality rather than a single nutrient or food group. The...
BEST DIETS RANKINGS FOR 2022 BY U.S. NEWS It’s time again for me to post the best diet rankings for the year from U.S. News. Here’s their article and lists from January 4, 2022 titled U.S. News Reveals Best Diet Rankings for 2022 The No. 1 Best Diet Overall. The Mediterranean diet is among the most studied diets, and one of few (most of which are higher fat/lower carbohydrate diets) showing benefits on cardiovascular disease outcomes. The Mediterranean Diet also claimed the top spot in five other lists: Best Diets for Healthy Eating, Easiest Diets to Follow, Best Diets for Diabetes, Best Plant-Based Diets and Best Heart-Healthy Diets (tied...
HOW WOULD YOU LIKE YOUR MEDITERRANEAN DIET: CLASSIC OR GREEN? I’m sure you’ve heard that the Mediterranean diet is one of the healthiest eating plans you can follow. It’s a way of eating based on the traditional foods of countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea such as Greece, Italy, France and Spain. Now, a study suggests that a new “green” version of the diet may be even healthier. I searched online for a concise look at the Mediterranean diet and found an article by the Mayo Clinic Staff titled Mediterranean diet: A heart-healthy eating plan. Here are excerpts: What is the...
BEST DIETS RANKINGS FOR 2021 BY U.S. NEWS It’s time again for me to post the best diet rankings for the year from U.S. News. Here’s their article and lists from January 4, 2021 titled U.S. News Reveals Best Diet Rankings for 2021 Washington, D.C. – U.S. News & World Report, the global authority in rankings and consumer advice, released its annual assessment of the year’s Best Diets. The 2021 offers rankings, data and information on 39 diet plans to help millions of Americans make diet-related New Year’s resolutions and achieve their health goals. For the fourth consecutive year, the Mediterranean Diet...
THE LOW-FODMAP DIET COULD CHANGE YOUR LIFE What do apples, mango, garlic, beans, onions, ice cream and honey have in common? These are some of the foods to which you may have a dietary intolerance and can cause irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). And if you have IBS, you could reduce your symptoms by going on the low-FODMAP diet. You may have never heard of FODMAP. It’s an acronym for four types of fermentable carbohydrates. To give you information on how to go about this diet, here are excerpts from a recent (July 30, 2020) Harvard Health Blog article by Emily...
YES, YOU CAN LOSE WEIGHT AND KEEP IT OFF Every year millions of people go on diets and if they stick with them actually lose weight. However, the great majority of those millions of dieters will regain every pound they lost—and then some! Which shouldn’t be surprising, because a diet is something folks go on to go off. They will restrict themselves of this or that food to lose the weight but they aren’t going to eat that way forever. Obviously, if we want to lose pounds and then keep them off, we need to find a better way. I’m...
BEST DIETS RANKINGS FOR 2020 BY U.S. NEWS I’ve been away on vacation this past week. Instead of writing my regular weekly feature, I’m taking the opportunity to post this article and lists from a January 2, 2020 U.S. News article titled U.S. News Reveals Best Diets Rankings for 2020 Washington, D.C. – U.S. News & World Report, the global authority in rankings and consumer advice, today released its annual assessment of the year’s Best Diets. For the millions of Americans making health-related resolutions for the New Year, the Best Diets platform offers rankings, data and information on 35 diet...
REDUCE YOUR ALZHEIMER’S RISK WITH THE MIND DIET The holiday season would seem like a lousy time to talk about diets. Yet, you can start following the MIND Diet and still enjoy those fantastic Christmas-time feasts. You’ve probably heard of the DASH diet (the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) for reducing blood pressure and the Mediterranean diet for heart health. Well, the MIND diet is a hybrid of these two. (MIND is the acronym for Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay.) Its goal is to reduce Alzheimer’s disease, other types of dementia, and the decline in brain health that normally occurs...